Shootmail SDK exports a response type ShootmailResponse that has following structure

    type ShootmailResponse = {
        status: number;
        error: {
            message: string;
        } | null;
        data: {
            requestId: string
  1. Status can be either 200 or 400, depending on if the response is a success or an error.
  2. If the response is successful, error is null, status is 200 and the data property contains the response returned by the email provider.
  3. If the response has error, the data property will be null, status will be 400 and the error property will contain the error returned by the email provider.

Success Response

        "data": {
            "requestId": "cea768fb-cc4e-4fca-aa04-07000ee3b6bc"
        "status": 200,
        "error": null

Save this requestId somewhere, this can be used to undo a scheduled message.

Error Response

        "data": null,
        "status": 400,
        "error": {
            "message": "The domain is not verified. Please, add and verify your domain on"